Quick Draw

Rob after watching a Clint Eastwood movie, apparently did a “quick draw” for Nonna Biba but I was unable to get a repeat performance. Today is a good day. He is withdrawing into himself but we are still lucky to see flashes of his humor #youneverknowwhenyoumightneedabanana #wildwildIrvine

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy birthday Had a magnificent day with birthday yoga, birthday Starbucks, birthday lunch, birthday dinner and even a birthday decorated front porch to come home to! #feelinggrateful Before Alzheimer’s we would always do stuff for our birthdays. Rob was born 4 days before Xmas and me 4 days after so a lot going on. This …

64th Birthday Spin

Above all; be kind The other day on the freeway, a Lamborghini roared past us and Rob came alive. He has always loved fast cars. I reached out to my wonderful client @carshair and asked if they would be able to arrange a drive for R for his birthday. Zach took him for a spin …