Rocky Path

  So as we negotiate this rocky path, I am finding myself befuddled and tearful. I feel like I have a tight fist around my heart. I believe strongly that we are on the right path and that I have made good decisions, but there is a jarring discordance. I came to the realization that …

Skullduggery afoot

While yesterday was beatific, today skullduggery is afoot. No amount of redirection could convince my love that thieves were not waiting in the wings poised to nab his wallet, padfolio, watch, video camera bag etc the minute his back was turned. We even completed our morning ablutions (thank you @janetabor4 ) with the wallet in hand. We …


Cara came today! Her basic philosophy is that we should stay ahead of the symptoms as much as possible vs waiting for them to escalate before treating. Proactive vs reactive. Beatific vs. agitated. His face and his whole stance changes as the meds wear off. I feel such relief. I have a whole team with …


As long as I have known Rob, he has been impeccably groomed. He would shower once, sometimes twice a day and always smelled amazing. Of late, I have been assisting with grooming, but more in the realm of “Hey let’s go shower” and “let me wash your back” or “you still have soap in your …


So Cara, our assigned hospice nurse came over yesterday. A wonderful friend who runs a board and care facility and facilitates an early onset Alzheimer’s support group I belong to, recommended Cara and after one phone call, I could already see why. Finally there is someone speaking my language. She asked what our goals and …


When I first noticed something wrong with Rob, it was like trying to catch mist. It was there and then it wasn’t and he denied so vehemently, that I doubted my own perception. As things progressed, I looked for every excuse and all the while pursued the diagnosis with the tenacity of a bulldog. Confirmation …

I need my Mom

I called my Aunty Yvonne in London this morning. She is my Mom’s twin sister and if you had met my Mom once or twice you could easily mistake Yvonne for Thelma. She has two sons and so I have always been her “daughter” and we have always been close. When I saw her lovely …

Speeding up

  Feel like we are speeding up Each day is marked by another loss – yesterday I couldn’t get him to lie backwards in the bath to rinse his hair- he just couldn’t understand what I wanted Today he’s wearing two pairs of undies, one pair of jeans with two belts Two tees one inside …