
So today I got a taste of my mother in law’s life when her son was a toddler. Honestly I am surprised that she had the stamina to have a second child. I had always heard stories about what a handful Rob was, fortunately Jake’s genes were tempered by the hearty Strauss ones, because Sattin DNA is somewhat difficult to deal with undiluted, especially in the young! (Kinda like young snakes that don’t control their venom)
It took Rob’s aunt, visiting from Brazil, and I, on high alert, to keep him reigned in. We lost him twice and had to redirect him from purchasing half of Anthropologie. Every time we turned to look at something, he was off to the register with his “Biba photo” to try purchase something. We spent some time in the Apple Store and I literally had to hold his hand to keep him close. I challenge any of you that has ever successfully completed a chore with a discommodious toddler (I googled that lovely word) and remained as cool as the proverbial cucumber, to take your skills to the next level with, let’s say, a trip to the DMV with my mother in law’s son!! #discommodious