Imagine waking up and finding a stranger in your bed…. There are many stories that have perhaps ended this way, but today’s starts with said offender not only in his bed, but draped over him and insisting he stay for just a few more minutes pleeeease. Finally he’s had enough and gets up horrified to find he has no trousers on. He hurriedly pulls on his clothes and begins arranging his camera equipment for a dire, urgent mission he can’t quite remember. The stranger proffers a handful of pills and he takes them to placate her since she seems unwilling to leave. He wants to go home to California, where his parents are, but she doesn’t seem to understand and is hellbent on drinking her tea and rubbing lavender oil on him in some woo woo effort to calm the embarrassing torrent of emotions that overcomes him, leaving him weeping and afraid. A call to his sister, finally a familiar face, reassures him that his parents are on their way. It’s 6.48am and the day ahead seems interminable.