Our bodies are complex, designed with mechanisms that have warnings and failsafes. For example, when we are lacking our energy source, the body reminds us to eat, when we need hydration, we get thirsty, and when it’s time to remove waste there are a bunch of signals for that too. We have become pretty adept at ignoring some of these and frequently abuse our “temples”, overindulging or withholding rest or food for example. Alzheimer’s is the great interceptor. It reroutes or completely blocks messages leaving the body in distress with no idea how to solve the issue at hand. A sandwich is no longer the solution to hunger pangs and the growling in one’s stomach has no resolution. The gentle messages sent to eliminate are never received and more insistent communication just produces agitation which escalates, much like a baby crying because they are tired, hungry, poopy, wet or sick. The caregiver must be adept at divination. The epiglottal failsafe that closes our trachea so we can swallow without inhaling food into our lungs is also compromised by this horrid disease. Fortunately, the cue for embarrassment appears to be broken, but unfortunately the “Trust Lesley” signal is coming in and out like the TV signal from a retro rabbit ear antenna.