Sometimes you just need your Mom!

Sometimes you just need your Mom! Today was a day of calm for Rob and sheer panic for me. Dr. April came by to follow up and it turns out Rob had a seizure. She believes it is disease related vs. a reaction to meds which haven’t changed in a long while. Apparently seizures are more common in early onset, so now we add anti-seizure meds to the mix. Last night I found myself very angry and annoyed with him and since anger stems from fear or unmet expectations, I surmise I am afraid! A little time out and some yoga certainly helps and I am reminded of a verse in the Bible that says “Don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. What can I do today? What’s the next right thing? Today I changed the electric bill into my name. I hate seeing him like this. #endalzoc #alzheimerssucks #earlyonsetalzheimers #youngonsetalzheimers